Place was fun and cool. You start to really get the idea of how much destruction a nuclear bomb does and the science of it a little. I think it was really well portrayed. As a somewhat review it's goes into
1) Science of a bomb
2) Videos of big famous bombs going off
3) How they decided test sites
4) Cold wars and how other countries developed
5) 'Merica... fuck yeh. (theres pretty much just random stuff at the end like 9-11 pictures and random patriotic things that make ya just wanna salute the shit out of something in remembrance)
Overall I had a fun and good time learnin. Word for the wise though. Skip the Area 51 exhibit. If your like me and probably everyone else, and not an alien conspiracy theorist then it's not that big of a deal. There's some hokey displays and most of it was stuff like "This situation happened could it be.... MYTH or REALITY?!?!!?!?!?" I found this exhibit asking me more questions then i was asking it. things like "Was it a frisbee in the sky or ALIEN UFO?? MYTH OR REALITY?!?!??!?"