My boyfriends mom and sister took me here for a little...antigravity yoga! I was definitely nervous since I'm so very clumsy, but the teacher was understanding and helped me out a lot. She had to drop the cloth hammock down a foot or two due to my 4'9" self. That's really the only way to describe it...a cloth hammock. We went to the relaxation class and that's exactly what it was, relaxing. My back stretched out in ways I had no idea it could! Oh the new realms of flexibility I experienced.
We stared out with some easy stretching and then hung upside down! So much fun. Our instructor was so patient while we were doing the more difficult moves.
Next we laid on out mats and did some more back stretches. I have some back issues from work so this was especially awesome for me. I feel like this is something I need to do all the time! I'm wondering how comfortable my boyfriend would be with fabric yoga.....hmm....