So wait........your not going to try to sell me a bunch of crap I don't need? And your going to give me the best price on parts accessories and labor in the city? Aaaaand your going to do this all while being friendly and knowledgeable? Where am I?! Oh Fridrich's Bike shop where else!
So here it is. I live downtown and absolutely love to ride my bike in the summer. Whether it be to Progressive Field to catch a ball game, W25th for some fresh groceries from the West Side Market. Or down to the Jacobs Pavilion for a live show on the Cuyahoga River, if its summer I'm headed there on two wheels. Doing this means never having to worry about traffic, parking fees, cab fare or any other inconvenience that comes with driving in the city. You see with gas prices on the rise many in Cleveland are (slowly) waking up to the idea of the bike as a viable mode of transportation for at least a couple months out of the year.
But every so often one may need an accessory or minor repairs done to keep your wheels a rollin. This is where Fridrich's comes in to play. Whether it be a tough theft proof lock in order to avoid the PEE WEE Herman esque stolen bike moment, Or a nice bright bike light to ensure the buses can see you from a mile away or simply an tune up to get that old cruiser you found at a yard sale up and running again they've got you covered. I once ended up with a flat while riding from Nicks Diner and walked my bike over to Fridrich's and purchased the tire and inner tube at an awesome price and they even put it on free of charge and had me up and running in under 25 minutes without an appointment! This is the beauty of this shop. They know not all of us are looking to spend a fortune on a bike nor do we all need the latest technology only to have it stolen the moment we lose eye contact with our bike. They understand that some of us just want to ride and will help you do this at the best price possible. Ive never felt i was being up sold or taken advantage of in fact Ive frequently seen many of the employees out riding on the same streets I ride. Hell half of the staff ride to work! You wouldn't by a car from a car sale man who doesn't drive and i sure wouldn't buy a bike or bike accessories from someone who doesn't ride bikes.
So get out and get riding and keep Fridrich's in mind for all your cycling need.They've been around for over 128 years and we all know nothing survives that long in this city without being the best.