Very nice place to shop & dine. I liked the selection of stores and restaurants, but i took 1 star away because I think the layout sucks! As a driver, there are a few too many blind spots and a few spots that if you want to make a left, good luck! You're better off going right and whipping a u-turn which is ridiculous. Other than that 1 annoying safety hazard, I like the fact that they have power outlets near the outdoor benches. Not that I need electricity on the go, but I know girls, I mean people who don't leave home with their cell charged 100% (see my profile pic). Also, the music playing throughout the parking lot adds a bit of life to the shopping party, I prefer korn or slipknot, but at least something is playing. Oh, and the occasional Lamborghini and/or Ferrari that seems to cruise through whenever I'm there is a nice touch of spice to the visit!