| - I really don't know 'bout this place. If someone were to ask me if they should stay here though, I'd probably say NO!
Location-location-location! ...not the greatest unless you're traveling for business and intend to hole yourself up in your room the entire time to watch TV, or go swimming, even. You're in the middle of suburban homes and office buildings and have to drive everywhere if you want to do anything - even if it's going to the local Safeway, or the bank! kind of seemed like a drag to have to drive a fair distance anywhere.
There seemed to be plenty of hole-in-the wall places to eat nearby and located in strip malls - not the big-box strip malls, mind you. I mean the little teeny strip malls that have the requisite laundromat, mini-mart, liquor store, or off-brand gas station alongside.
Since I find architecture and design interesting, I *did* find it intriguing here. Vintage-70s Arizonian permeates this place, mixed in with nice up-to-date interior design remodels that don't look like they've taken hold yet in every single space - almost like they ran out of money.
It's also a good size property, and because of it's size and location, seems to have been caught in limbo between catering to families vs. the business traveler. Also because of it's size, location, and target demograpic, can seem creepy and deserted.
While I was there, they were setting up for a wedding in the courtyard - squeezed in really tight next to the fenced-in pool. To be honest, it kind of seemed rinky-dink. The trellis (serving as the alter) was small and hokey, and looked like it was gonna blow over. They had set out a bunch of folding chairs on the aggregate concrete (the kind with a myriad of pebbles stuck to the surface) . It was 100 -degree weather out, and hot! I was surprised at the lack of canopy for shade.
With all due respect, I'm not capping on the people getting married or anything, but I just thought that I'd provide the information just in case you were considering this place for a wedding, and needed to know what it looked like they were providing (from a third-party perspective).
Bottom line - it looks like this place went through an interior-design mixup; What can I say? "UUUUM - they're clean. Get the suite.' The suites seem to have gotten the latest/greatest TV and accoutrements!