| - I love this range! You're out in the desert shooting like you're really in the wild wild west -- hey you are! The whole system is extremely well organized and safe. When you get to the range, you have to check in and pay. I think it's like $7 per adult. If you've never been there before, they'll make you watch a short safety video, or you can watch it online beforehand. Then they assign you a lane.
Load up your mags and get your stuff organized. They do breaks every 15 minutes. During the break, you clear out your weapons, leave them on the table and step back behind the yellow line. The range safety officers come by and check everyone's weapons to ensure everything is clear. Once they give the go-ahead, you can step out and set up your targets. Some lanes go back as far as 200 meters in the main area.
Once all the targets are set up and everyone is back by their tables, they'll signal for everyone to put eye and ear protection back on (they're mandatory during all times of live fire). Then you can shoot until your heart's content until the next break.
I find the range safety officers to be incredibly helpful. Yeah they bark out orders once in a while, but that's for everyone's safety. You're not supposed to touch anything on the tables during breaks, for example. Cell phone, empty mag, whatever. Don't touch it without permission. If your hand touches that table, you'll get a warning over the loudspeaker. I don't find it mean, it's just safety measures. I wouldn't want someone bumping and accidentally firing a weapon that was loaded while I was out changing targets.
Bring cold drinks. It's outdoors, but the tables are covered so you're not out in the sun the whole time. They don't allow food out on the range. There is a food truck out in the parking lot though so you can go eat real quick.
Saturdays get wicked busy. First come first serve and there is always a wait after opening. Better off going during the week.