| - hella bomb, hella lit, hella flame. swag fire alert.
ordered the Wiseguy and it was Grade-A Boom Boom Out of Sight Dynamite
those onions with that fennel sausage flavor-swirl so well together, lifting one's mouth to a higher state of being, seeing, fleeing the grasp of this universe, who in da hearse? Me bc this pizza too good. so, you should go here
had a bite of my friend's Sonny Boy pizza. OOOOOO MOMMY dat salami all up on me. Holy Smokes is it good. Speaking of holy smokes, it has this surprising smokiness too that i have never really tasted/felt/explored before in salami. honestly, hands down the best salami
the pizza crust is the also the best pizza crust that you are about to have.
furthermore, henceforth, moreover, great vibes. any restaurant with portraits of breaded noblemen and friendly dogs on their walls is a restaurant for me.
don't be stupid. just go