| - What people lose their nut about is beyond me. The strip is nothing but the bastardized child of Galleria Mall, New Orleans (without the culture, history, charm, or class, but has day drinking), and Chuck E. Cheese's. Everywhere you look is nothing but obnoxious tourists, douchebags, douchettes, and people trying to create a lifestyle that they don't live in their day to day lives. I bet you're saying, "what's wrong with that, Zan." What's wrong is that the money you spend in this money pit is the equivalent of going to Italy. You can get a REAL gondola ride versus paying $45-50 for the fake version. That's all this city is. It's a mock up of everything you can experience in real life at the same rate of international travel. Instead of going to the Luxor, go to Egypt. You'll thank me later.