i came through here on my lunch break one day because i had a massive amount of dog hair in my car from the night before and i didnt have the patience to clean it myself. i paid $25 for my car to get washed and the inside vaccuumed and dusted. that price is average i guess. i wasnt thrilled, but hell, ill pay for the convenience of it. it took them more than my hour lunch break to do it but i cant complain too much because my dog sheds an ungodly amount of hair so these guys definitely had their work cut out for them. at the end, my interior looked amazing and i was satisfied with the wash. the best part was an employee informed me that i had a small chip in my windshield that they could fix up for me. the guy gave me the phone number to my insurance and within minutes my insurance paid for the service and the chip was fixed!
i think the gas is expensive here and the counter clerks are less than enthusiastic, but my car wash service experience was satisfactory.