Even when crowded with hipsters, The Brew Gentlemen is 5 stars. The space is amazing. There's different rooms with different vibes for whatever you're feeling. There's the bar room where people patiently wait in line for their next beer. There's the main room when you first walk in with various tables and built in shelves on one wall where you can set down your beer while you're standing around just chillaxin' with friends. Then there's the annex with a couch and a few tables where one can enjoy a movie or game.
The Brew Gentlemen are all about giving back to the community, too. I was lucky enough to be in attendance at their Hitchcock Halloween party at Carrie Furnace in 2014. I've been around for a couple food truck roundups. On one of my more recent visits I enjoyed a Lou, an ale for ALS. I have a lovely Brew Gentlemen t-shirt courtesy of their pay-what-you want event they had to unload older merchandise (including glasses and clothing items).
In addition to just being an all around cool business, they make some outstanding beer as well. Of their flagship beers, the White Sky (a chai wheat) is a favorite among many. The tap selection rotates through various sessions and saisons and I like to try one or two of their test beers to see where things are headed. I get very excited every summer with the arrival of Garden Party (a refreshing cucumber wheat) and every winter with the arrival of Mexican Coffee (oatmeal stout).
While writing this review, I just happen to notice that my BG growler is empty. Looks like I have some business to attend to. Gentlemen? Get your taps ready.