We emailed San tan Hyundai asking specific questions about buying a 2018 Elantra at a specific price and for a specific monthly payment . They called us back right away and stated they would love to have us come in and make a deal. They had the car we wanted already parked out front and ready to go. Now .. here comes the business end of it . We sit down and crunch numbers and are told within 15 minutes of being there that the deal we are looking for just can't be done ! Hello? That was the whole point of the email... to not waste a trip and time going to the dealership. So we get up and leave . As we are walking out the door we are told that are numbers are too far apart and works only get further next time we tried. Ok, fabulous . We already purchased 2 new cars from San Tan Hyundai within the last 3 years so we aren't exactly new customers . Plot twist ! We get a call less than 10 minutes later telling us that the regional manager was contacted and told the sales people to go ahead and give us our deal! Go figure ... so we swing back by and pick up
Our new car at the price and payment we asked for in the email . Seems to me this transaction could have run a lot smoother especially given that this is our 3rd new vehicle we have purchased from this dealership.