I wanted to LOVE this show, but I didn't. I love Michael Jackson's music and dancing, but this is not the show for that--how sad is it when the best dance segments are videos of Michael? The whole first half of the show is unimpressive (what the heck is a ninja girl doing in this?) and the pantomime of the person chasing MJ's glove is underwhelming. What can I say...it is French--and they worship Jerry Lewis... The second half picks up and the ending is OK, but get rid of the political statements and Martin Luther King. Come on--we were there to be entertained NOT proselytized! Billie Jean is good--the 3 black chicks have more sass than the whole rest of the cast combined, too bad they are not featured. Any seat in the room is good, just some better than others, so save your money. Go see Beatles LOVE for a show that is done right!