| - Descent....for $20 for each adult seems much but understandable.
You get vouchers (2 free kids and 2 hotdogs now or future visit) at the ticket desk. You also have the option to apply today's admission for a membership if you decide to at the end of your visit.
A couple of the highlights, the Tube/tunnel is really cool. Not all aquariums have it and it's not very often you get sting-rays and sharks swim above you.
Jelly fish display, though small, still really neat; Placement of the display is also in a good spot.
Manta ray encounter is fun, to get to reach-down and touch them is pretty cool.
There's a small section where you can touch starfish, sea urchins, hermit crabs and even have cleaner shrimp crawl all over your hands.
Finally, across from the tortoise display, there's a swamp display. We were there during feeding time and it's pretty neat to see them all be very active.
Down-sides? Tortoise display wasn't kept well, all the tortoises kept stepping on their own poop. Also, they look miserable walking around in concrete floor and fighting for the heat lamps.
It is fairly small, but it's really awesome how they transformed the space and turned it into an aquarium.
Finally, the staff....not much to say. A few were friendly and making an attempt to interact. But most of them were there for security-like purpose, so you don't deface the place or steal something.
Over-all an okay experience. I can see going back and taking the kids. Not something I'll brag about like Baltimore or Atlanta's aquariums, but really nice for Cleveland to have an aquarium.