I went there to sell some clothes, most of them good quality barely-used pants, dresses, jackets size 14-16. The Buyer (who had eyebrows painted with a Sharpie marker), and had no clue what she was doing, and obviously didn't know what's quality or not - looked at everything and with a dismissive bored look on her face, said no thanks.
This is what I got from the experience:
1) If you're over the age of 30 - don't bother going there. It's mostly for college age people who think they're 'cool'. Yes, they are ageist.
2) Buffalo Exchange store had the smell of an old musty closet that hasn't been ventilated in decades.
3) If your clothes are more upscale, don't waste your time going there. This store is overrated. Go to Goodwill, and you will get the same thing for WAY better prices.