| - About four years ago, at our home in Hawaii, we leased Tesla solar panels. At the time, it was Solar City. With great promises on saving energy, we found our energy bills did not improve as promised and, just last week, we were notified that all our panels on our home were faulty.
Upon several attempts to find out when panels would be replaced, and I spoke to Aerial, the answer was, "We have no idea at this time when panels will be replaced". I was promised a call from Aerial last Friday, March 2 2018. No response. I've left 3 messages with Aerial, with no reply. I asked that my bill be postponed till panels were replaced. NO.
I will now say that if your considering purchasing or leasing panels from Tesla, I'd think four times before signing any legal contracts. d
They have not kept their word, yet they threaten me with contracts. If I could rip them off my roof and tell Tesla where to put um, I would. But, it seems I'm trapped in this so called contract. Any laywers out there reading this and want to reply I'd be most grateful.
Darryl Herzon