My best friend and I have been on the hunt for our go-to nail place and today we decided to try this one. In the beginning I had very high hopes because the guy doing it was doing an excellent job. I showed him a picture of what I wanted and he said ok and got right to work. I picked out a beautiful summer yellow, almost mustardy. However, when he went to put the color on my nail it was a bright highlighter yellow and he must've seen the look of concern on my face because he pulled out another color (a bright, goldfish orange) and told me that this color was better. I panicked and requested white instead. Instead of just giving me what I asked for, he tried to change my mind by insisting that white nails turn yellow after the first week and then proceeded along with the goldfish orange color. He got half way through my nails before asking if I was ok with that, which I felt too bad to try and change the color since he was half way done. My full set was almost $50 and I left feeling super unhappy with the way they looked. The shape and everything about this experience was nice, my nails just didn't turn out how I wanted them to, so I'm just going to attempt to fix them myself.