It's actually "Winkles Field at Packard Stadium at Brock Ballpark". I guess it's hard to choose between big-money donors and important historical figures. If I give them some money, will they name the batter's box after me?
I really like coming to ballgames here. It's a very pretty park, simple amenities, and ASU is solid on the baseball fundamentals, something you don't get in a lot of big league games. (What's it worth to you to be able to see the rightfielder back up first base on a throw from the left side of the diamond? Priceless...) And best of all, there's plenty of elbow room, something that Cubs fans can't claim as they cram into Ho Ho Kam park a few miles away every spring. Fewer than 4000 seats.
The seats are old-school, which translates to "really uncomfortable", which means you better bring a good cushion if you want to actually stay nine innings.
My favorite detail: the sign in front telling patrons that "No Pitchforks" are allowed in the park.