All of my experiences at Mountain View Dental have been amazing! Dr Temp is a caring dentist, who makes both patient comfort and quality work her top priorities.
She takes the time to diagnose thoroughly and uses words you can actually understand to explain the treatment options. I have had several procedures done here over the past few years, and have always felt that the work has been done exceptionally well.
Dr Temp is also particularly good with children. Her calm and kind demeanor puts them at ease and makes things so much easier.
The staff is friendly and helpful, and they are willing to work with just about any budget if you need to schedule payments, and the office is clean and comfortable. (and they usually run on time with their appointments!)
I am finally comfortable going to a dentist, because I trust that there won't be a huge pain factor!
Tip: They have a new patient special that is a great deal, so ask for that when you call.