I'd have given 5 stars, but Michael has upset me. We waited and waited and then they opened. Really delicious ribs, brisket and pork belly. I will try everything to satisfy my cravings. BUT--in his haste to complete his project, Mr. Symon has let an item slip. Maybe I have no right to criticize an iron chef even though I am an accomplished BBQer (my own adjective). I feel I speak for the silent majority when I say I need some vinegar/TOMATO sauce. Mustard has a place in BBQ--someplace else. I occasionally like a rib smothered in sweet/tart red stuff even burned in a bit. You can still taste the rub, Michael. You need one more bottle on those tables, and I can supply a scratch recipe I've been touching up for 50 years. I'll bring a bottle to Mabel's for you to try. (and for me to put on your ribs)!