Marvin the Manager = no clue about management. If HE can be a manager, then I guess my 5 year-old nephew can, too. He has no idea how to remedy a bad situation... He only makes it worse. You would figure that after a disastrous take out salad, he would comp my meal and we'd be on our merry way. Nope. Instead, he made me drive all the way back to the restaurant because he needed to "see with his own two eyes that my salad was frozen and wilted." Here's a tip for the starter manager: why don't you try inspecting the food before it actually goes out. That way it would have been your choice to either A) have your cook make it again or B) send out a dying plate and wait for the customer to call you back complaining. It would've saved me, your paying customer, an extra trip, anger and an empty stomach. It would saved you, Marvin, added stress from an unhappy customer. AND! It would have saved TMI from this bad review. #whohiredthiskid #management101