| - I wish I knew what went wrong, but we must have missed out on what everyone else has been having. My family and I had looked forward to the Rio's infamous seafood buffet and were sorely disappointed.
The crab legs were absolutely nothing to write home about-- i've had better at seafood dive bars in chicago. The crab meat was small, and sour/juicy. Not sweet and succulent AT ALL. Huge disappointment.
On the hunt for the lobster tails, all we found was this concocted stew-like mix of mystery seafood meat. Brownish, bland, and not very flavorful filled with shrimp, lobster tails, and i couldn't tell you what else. But the lobster tails were EXTREMELY overcooked. Chewy, inedible, and oversalted. I've never done this in my life. I felt wrong to do it. But it was so bad, I wasted 2 or 3 lobster tails. I mean really. If you're gonna kill everything that's good in a lobster, just freakin steam it and serve it with some butter and call it a day.
Everything else there was just forgettable. Even the raw oysters were small, meager, and tasteless.
Had it not been for the buffet of buffet pass we had, i couldn't imagine dishing $40 for this place.
The one saving grace? Gelato for dessert. And even that wasn't that great.