Not what I was expecting... It was better!
I can only review the upstairs portion as that is where we sat, up at the bar after dinner elsewhere. I loved the look and airy feel of the place. I was expecting something more beer-hallish and I think downstairs is where you would find that but upstairs was classy, great bar-service and everyone was eating what looked to be delicious food. No rowdiness up here. The huge trees set up in the dining area between the tables made the space, lit up and so cool! There was a patio where people were hanging out and I was told there were lamp heaters out there and a firepit. The restaurant was clean and unique looking. Lots of warm wood and a cool bar set-up with tons of beer lines built into one great big steel tube.
I do not like beer, my husband does. But all that changed when I tried this grapefruit beer that tasted like a sweet wine! Thanks to this fab bartender I can now have a glass of beer with hubby!
A live German-style band showed up to play downstairs at around 9.(Fri night) They were good!
I want to come back and try the eats. German food has not been too high on my list of faves but from what I have seen on the plates tonight, I wish we had come hungry!
Will be back! (I have to try this pretzel everyone is talking about!)