First off if u follow the directions on here , just make sure when it tells u to exit the highway, u turn off to the little dirt road that looks like it's nothing and u will find it. So the Hoover Dan exit but opposite direction from the dam . This hike is very intense, make sure u leave plenty of time to get all the way back and make sure u will have enough time to do so . The course has some spots that are hard to figure out where to go, but u realize it pretty quickly but most of the course is marked. The rope sections are great going down, one is particularly hard to get back up on the way back, I definitely don't suggest doing this on your own, or with small children, if u are planning to go all the way. Is it worth it to get to the end? I would say at least once. There are multiple hot springs that are nice, I don't suggest swimming in the actually River because there IS amoeba. It's nice they place a cooler with water and other stuff if needed... Because u will need ALOT of water. Oh and try and bring gloves for the ropes, we didn't and I wish we did!!