| - I am not an expert on the subject of Laundromats.. I hardly use them as I have not yet found myself in a living situation where I have to frequent one, but every once in a while the 3 washers and 3 dryers my complex supplies for my huge building doesn't cut it, so I end up here.
1) It is not a coin laundry. You purchase a card ($1) and then put money on the card. You can add cash (any denomination) or you can add on with a Visa card ($10 minimum). If you never see yourself coming back to Spintastic, you can turn in your card for not only the $1 you paid for it, but also for the remainder on the card. (I am not the greatest change/coin collector, so this works for me)
2) There are many different washer sizes and just as many dryer options. The smallest is what they consider a "double" load, but I'm fairly certain it is what any washer nowadays holds. $1.99 a wash. Then there is the triple which is $2.99, then the 4x, which is $3.99 (this easily held two sets of sheets, four bath towels, and then some). I think there is an 8x but I didn't need to go there. Usually about 22 minutes a wash (extra rise/wash available for 25 cents) Each washer has coloured dots stickered onto it which match up to a dryer, and I've noticed many users take this as more of a "suggestion" than a rule, but whatever works for you. My medium dryer held everything I needed to dry from all of my washes and was about 69 cents per 8 minutes. (I don't know if the prices differ per dryer size)
3) The employees are more than happy to help you out. There are tons of carts available, free wi-fi, clean folding tables, a kids play area, a pool table and arcade games, multiple TVs, and overall it's a nicely lit and clean laundromat. I think they sell snacks, and they have a soda machine. Maybe not the cheapest, but I don't mind spending a few dollars more if I can actually do some work, always have a place to sit, and can get a ton of laundry done in a fraction of the time it would take me at home.