Located just off Lake Erie, it reminds me of Chicago's very own museum campus. We were lucky enough to be here on Labor Day and was able to witness the Air Show from outside and inside the building.
I really wish I had more time to spend in here. I really do. You could spend 8 hours in here and not get bored. The downstairs main exhibit had several different costumes and outfits everyone wore. Countless exhibits of different eras, genres, and locales all grouped together with video.
The interactive exhibits that allowed you to browse different artists and their influences was very interesting. The automobiles these people drove, priceless.
I only spent an hour down there and wish I spent three. There are 5 or 6 floors up top and it is all pretty much endless. I could have done without seeing the Britney Spears or Justin Timberlake items in there though. I mean seriously, this is the rock n roll hall of fame, not the TRL hall of fame.
The 12 minute video montage of videos from the 80s was pure awesomeness. I also enjoyed seeing the Bruce Springsteen exhibit which was the feature attraction.
Warning: if you have ADHD you will get very lost and very confused in here.
For only $20 or so, I can't wait to go see it again. If you love Elvis, you will love the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum.