| - My husband saw a picture on the SPCA's Facebook page of the most cutest puppy and texted me. We both fell in love. Within an hour of the post, I was there filling out paperwork for her (Heidi's) adoption.
The staff was friendly and ready to answer questions. They also didn't hesitate to grill me either which was good to know they didn't just adopt out to just anyone.
However, hence the 4 star, out of all the shots they gave our new puppy and out of all the questions they asked me about the pets at home, nothing was said or mentioned about canine influenza.
We brought home our new pup, now family, on 9/19. Since then, starting Wednesday (9/24) both her and our mini eski have been sneezing, coughing, vomiting and have diarrhea. We brought Heidi to our family vet first, yesterday (9/28) and discovered she either has canine influenza or some kind of virus that requires a stool sample.
Long story short, please adopt, by all means PLEASE do...but be prepared to have your new dog separated immediately from other dogs you may already have in your home.