So I've had 3 tattoo artists in my time. One in my 20's, one in my 30's, one in my 40's.
Each have had a section of my body. In my 20's I started on my legs, 30's I moved to my arms and when I turned 40 I did my chest. I'm 43 now and decided to start on my back.
Joe will be the 4th tattoo artist I have worked with.
I met Joe Garner in a bath house in Thailand many years ago and we clicked, surprisingly we both lived in the valley. I told him if I could ever leave the opium dens and wonderful bath houses of this wonderful country, I would have him tattoo my back. Thank goodness in my hallucinated state of mind, I some how managed to keep his card.
Years Iater.......
As I emerge from my opium addiction I am back home in the states. After several detoxs and rehab clinics I came in a discussed my dreams with Joe and told him my visions I had in the spirit world. He took what I said in interpreted it perfectly. We did a 3 hour beginning session and it went awesome. I'm guessing it will take 4-8 sessions to finish my dream, and I look forward to every session.
Next Wave tattoo, thumbs up. ALSO.....they have the most awesome looking bathroom I've ever seen in a tattoo shop......nice touch.
Joe, nice job my friend. We'll see you next month!!