| - A few months back, my friends and I stopped by Majerle's on a birthday pub crawl. It was a Saturday night, and was not really crowded, yet it was apparent that the two very young blonde bartenders were struggling to keep up.
Although half the bar was empty, it took more than 20 minutes to get the bartender to take our order. She made us repeat the order twice, and still failed to get it right. It was a mixed drink, a beer, and a glass of water. I was the one looking for the water; it was hot and I needed hydration. Of course she brings everything over but the water, and as she turns to walk away I try several times to stop her, with seemingly offensive terms as "Excuse me," and "Miss." While she continues to ignore me, I throw my arm up in the air, waving my hand, still trying to get her attention. Finally I start snapping, which instantly gets a response. I ask her, nicely (even though I'm seriously annoyed at this point) if she could please get me a glass of water. You should've have seen the look this girl gave me...straight out daggers. She pours my water, slams it on the bar and says" DON'T EVER SNAP AT ME AGAIN!" turns around, and storms off. I was so stunned, I actually was speechless for a solid minute, and anyone who knows me, would know rendering me speechless is quite the feat. Apparently I have a lot of nerve asking for the water SHE forgot to bring in the first place.
I drank my water and we promptly left. With attitude and service like that, I don't know how this place will survive, but best of luck to you. I'll be busy visiting the surrounding bars where I can actually get a drink, sans the ridiculously bitchy attitude.