I had an ant from hell problem. I bought sprays, powders, tried every holistic method I could find online. I swear the ants laughed at me! If I laid out powder they shimmied through it and danced together to show me nothing would stop them. My dogs food, my sink, my pantry, my spice cabinet...nothing was sacred! Then I called DK Buell when a friend referred me to them. Literally from the moment they sprayed until now (months and months later) I have yet to see an ant in my home.
Their method was safe and effective. I have 3 dogs and 4 kids so non-toxic was a major concern of mine. There were no complications or problems--unless you had six legs and an exoskeleton! I am so happy I stopped fighting a losing battle and called DK Buell. It was honestly the best money I spent on my insect war. I cannot say thank you enough.