I'm from Cali so I'm quite the picky person about Vietnamese food, but this place definitely exceeded my expectations! I like it wayyyyy better than lees sandwich. Their bread isn't as hard and painful to bite. It's softer. Now some people might not like that because they prefer crunchy, but I always pop mine in the oven first because I like it warm. So voila problem solved and I've got a perfect crunchy soft banh mi ^__^ also they put a good amount of pate and butter, which lees doesn't do. And the amount of pickled veggies is perfect. They'll ask if you want it on the side and if you do they put it in a tiny ziploc bag for each individual banh mi. Which is nice when you want to order like 10 for your coworkers, they can each add in their own veggies without everyone coming in and out of the same ziploc. Try this place out!