I'm basing my review over some instances that I've had to go to their ER.
1. In VERY bad motorcycle accident where I broke my left leg, pelvis and dislocated my toe. Also had very deep road rash.
2. Two instances of painful kidney stones.
For # 1, I was transported via ambulence to the nearest hospital which meant by default, I HAD to go there as the accident happened on I-10 tunnel. I found the staff to be very gruff (in general) and the surgeon was even worse. Do not recall his last name, but his first name was "Michael". He basically told me to "try harder" when I would try to get up and stand by my bed. I kept telling him I was dizzy and felt like I had to faint. Turns out, I lost a lot of blood during the accident and was needing a transfusion. After I get 2 bags of blood, I'm good to go again! My point being, these asshole doctors really do need to LISTEN to their patients! I also had a horrid night RN come in and was a little rough and bossy to check my vitals during my week stay. How are you gonna feel if someone pokes your damn arm in the middle of deep rest in the night? No "excuse me" or anything! I remedied that be asking the Charge Nurse to never send her my way again.I also had my shoes stolen from my room. Not cool.
As for #2, I had to wait a LONG time to even be examined. I was literally in so much pain that I couldn't even sit down. For those of you who don't know how kidney stones feel, just imagine a damned cactus being shoved up your urethra. I'm not kidding. I was there pacing back and forth without any help. After pacing around and begging for something to kill the pain, the RN gave me something and had me pee through what looked like a vegetable strainer. Ughhhh.