| - I had to be admitted for a stomach infection. The 3-day stay was a living nightmare, and traumatic experience.
They rudely wake you up every day at 3am to do blood work. What sadistic monster would conceive of doing this to their patients at such ungodly hour? How completely unnecessary, and when I questioned the reason for the early rise, I only received non-answers and mean stares.
Their solution to every problem is to give people a pill. And doctors are way too quick to prescribe them . You can't sleep, here's a pill. Well, if I wasn't interrupted 3-4 times a night I would be able to have a good night's sleep without the unnecessary assistance of a sleep hypnotic.
Do you fell depressed in a hospital? Of course we all do. Here's a pill to you. Instead of treating your patients better, just fill them up with more pills.
Is your stomach hurting? Here's a pill. Of course it'll mask the pain but it will not make the cause of your illness better.
This is a teaching hospital that caters mostly to indigents and low-income patients. For people with insurance, such as myself, it was a horrific experience. By the way, I had a strange feeling I was a guinea pig for their students.
Your health is the most precious gift, beware of this hospital as they do not respect you as a human being. Some of the nurses are nice, but there were some that looked at you with extreme hatred. Their night RN supervisor reminded me of Nurse Ratched. She gave me the creeps.
Thankfully, I have only needed to stay in a hospital 3 times in my life. The first 2 times were for giving birth to my children in the late 1970's. What I've learned from this current experience is that the state of medical care in this country has definitely declined to shocking lows.
When I asked for a doctor's note to give to my employer, they were curt, dismissive and vengefully would not provide me with one.
Banner Good Samaritan is by far one of the worst experiences I've had in my life. It has left me shaken to the core.