| - First and foremost... THANK YOU to the Charlotte Knights for allowing us Yelpers to bend and stretch on your beautiful field and BIG shout out to Arrichion for another great #YelpFit yoga session! The overall check-in process was simple, as I always appreciate the simple QR code scan process. To everyone that donated... YOU ALL ROCK! No, seriously... you're making Yelpers look good...*high five*... we were able to raise over $1,000 to help Charlotte Knights Charities! I also appreciated that those without cash were still able to donate via credit card (smart move).
Overall, the event was amazing and the sunset was a perfect bonus to stretching out the kinks and stresses of a Monday. Although, I did have a couple things I would like to see improved for next time ...(I know, I know, I should just give it five stars and hush).
1. We were required to clean our mats before we went on the field. I respect that. However, I would have liked for the cleaning station to have remained after the yoga session because while the grass was soft and beautiful, I would like to not have carried it back with me.
2. There was some miscommunication regarding the raffle. As a few of us were leaving, we were informed that the raffle would be pulled at a later time. The miscommunication part... some of us, when we first arrived, were told we didn't have to write our information on the part we dropped in the jars because the numbers would be called after yoga was over.
Overall, this was another successful event for the Yelp Fit Club and I cannot wait for the next one!