Parking: none
Lobby: small-medium
Boardgames: few
Price: $22 pp
Food: short menu of appetizers and desserts
Number of rooms: 4
Rooms that can accommodate large groups (9+): yes
Rooms that can be played with two people: no
Customer service: good
Games played
Tomb explorer (played Winter 2015)
Overall Score: 2/5
Difficulty (based on 4 players): 3/5
Pros: adequate decor, some use of tech, multi-room
Cons: pre-game experience could use some work, a puzzle that required reading just sounded like it was translated horribly so it was difficult to solve, we were told nothing was in the ceiling or walls when indeed there was something on the wall that had to be moved on two occasions, other puzzles were not particularly fun or impressive, many signs of wear and tear even though the room wasn't opened for that long, heavy use of locks and keypads
Escaped? Yes, 45 minutes, 2 hints
Recommended? For beginner players who don't know what to expect