My husband I went to the Saturday night show and enjoyed ourselves a lot. The host was not as bad as everyone has said (I mean, he wasn't great but he's the host). The opening comedian had a different kind of approach to stand up than what I'm used, but he turned out to be quite funny. The headliner, Edwin, was VERY funny. I like when you can tell that comedians are humble and honest, and Edwin seems like a very genuine guy on stage. I would definitely go see him again. The venue is the V2 theater of the V Theater complex and, once again, not as bad as some other reviews have made it out to be. It's really tiny, but I liked it bc there was not a bad seat anywhere. They lined us up outside and then let the show before us out, but there was not traffic jam as others have suggested. All in all a good show with a GREAT headliner.