I frequent this store several times a week primarily for their excellent kosher deli and sandwiches. I'm also having a wild, passionate love affair with Amish Country Roll Butter they sell which is salted. It comes from Missoula, MT. They also have a French salted butter I'm crushing on.
They finally remodeled the store. They finally have an app so you can get gas points from shopping there or at Von's since they are now owned by Safeway.
The only friendly employee is the checker who is Hawaiian or Polynesian. He's always a sweetheart. They have about half the store stocked with kosher food including frozen foods which makes me giddy. Conversation with other customers is always entertaining.
This could be the best grocery store in Vegas if they patterned themselves after Glacier's in selections. There are only a few things I buy here since regular items are pricey.
I'm a fan but this store has so much potential. I wish the manager was motivated to make it as good as it could be.
I hate that they close at midnight it should be open 24/7. Also, kosher sandwiches and sushi aren't available until after 10:00 a.m. I like to eat clean so I'd love to be able to shop in the morning and grab a healthy lunch.