I planned a birthday party here on a Wednesday night for a large group. The service was good, I liked my margarita a lot, and we had a nice big table. This wasn't enough to outweigh the bad though. The food is way overpriced, $9 for chips and guac? And the tacos are miniature. For $16 (three tacos) I wasn't remotely full; my husband was shocked at how small they were. The men in the group all thought the beers were way overpriced. The icing on the cake is that I brought a Costco cake in for the birthday girl, it cost $16, and they charged us $19.50 in cake cutting fees. This isn't a fancy restaurant, not to mention we were one of two tables in the place when it came time for cake. One would think for a party of 13 (all who had never been in), on a Wednesday, in a new restaurant, you might let it slide.