| - Barber shop, dentist, big lots, tanning salon (by the way, why the eff are there so many tanning salons here in AZ? it's sunny 330 days a year! go stand outside! but i digress), clocktower that appears to be broken and perpetually set at 7:16 and... pizza place. Welcome to strip mall suburban heaven.
I decided to do take out at this place at the suggestion of yelp (thanks yelp!). I picked "pizza", scrolled to roughly my area and hit search. viola! this place popped up as the best reviewed. I don't think this place does a ton of takeaway, because when I walked in there's no clear place to pick up your order, so I walked through the tables of couples eating their meals & drinking wine, finally coming to the bar, "uh... here to pick up a pizza?" They were super quick (phone in to ready for pick up in 20 minutes) and the service was friendly. I dig the interior. The guy makes your dough pretty much right in front of you and the brick oven is the centerpiece of the behind the bar area.
Now, the pizza itself was pretty decent. They only come in one size (12''), which is perfect for two. If you have more than two, uhh... order two pizzas? It's a chewy thin crust, and a little floppy for my taste, but it's tasty. Looking for something other than pizza? Hope you like salads. No pasta, chicken, sushi, tapas or beef wellington here.
I've been debating between 3 & 4 stars. i think if they had a little more variety, I'd round up. I'll probably try this place out again, maybe as a sit down next time. It seemed like a nice, cozy, conversation-conducive place.