Who the FUCK do these people think they are. There is NOTHING less rock and roll than this airport security checkpoint. Not one thing on earth. TSA takes notes from this place. More metal detector wands than a fucking presidential campaign rally.
Why don't you guys just strip search everyone, now THAT would be rock and roll. Embrace your inner fucking J. Edgar Hoover, you've got enough security cameras, at least make porn.
A good friend played there once and wanted to SPARE us from the other RAPING, namely, the beer prices. So he invited me and some friends back stage. SORRY THAT'S TOO ROCK AND ROLL - douchebag minimum wage security fuck standing at the backstage door says nuh uh. You ain't in the band. My friend in the band couldn't believe his ears. He was like, "dude, I'M in the band."
House of Rules. Not blues. Not rock and roll. You should be enshrined in the Hall of Fame down the street next to the guys who blew up Beatles records in Shea Stadium as the Biggest Assholes in the history of popular music.
Fuck. You.