| - We brought our neighbor to do some shopping here. I knew he'd need a wheelchair and didn't think this would be an issue at all. He even insisted that it would be fine either way but I know him. So, we walk in through women's and asked for a wheel chair from the lady at the counter. She picked up the phone and told us shortly after "the manager said we don't have any, sorry." Now obviously if we're asking for a wheelchair, we NEED a wheelchair, but don't ask us if there's any other way you can help us... I thought this couldn't be right. Everywhere has a cart or a wheelchair of some sort, so I walked over to the men's department and that's where I found DANIEL. I asked him where I may be able to find a wheelchair and he did everything he could, aside from physically going to get the chair himself. I mean he could have went the other route, "no. Sorry," but he didn't. He left his area, went over to the phones, called security but they don't hold the chairs anymore, so he told us where to go (concierge.) While I was speaking to him, our friend asked a woman who was in the Ralph Lauren dept if she could help him find a shirt. I walked up just as they told me, "she said she would be with us in a second." You know what she was doing? Why she couldn't help? Folding plastic Macy's bags. I'm not kidding. She couldn't stop folding bags to ASSIST a customer?! THEN she picked up a bunch of clothes and started to walk away. I said out loud, "Forget this. I'm going to Daniel!" I took the ad to him and he pointed me in the right direction as he had some other customers to help. When I got back to my people they told me that another person came to help them with the shirt. MIKAELA went all over the store looking for a valid coupon and helping us find this elusive, super specific shirt. She even suggested that she sit with our neighbor (who couldn't stand at this point, bad knees) and go over the ads and coupons with him! I mean really. Just above and beyond. She came and went from where we were sitting. She scanned our stuff came back and told us what would work, then left to scan again with a different coupon and came back. Daniel then CAME TO FIND US to ask us if we needed anything and ask if we found the concierge for the chair. Unfortunately it was too late and he was already sitting down at that time. We finally went to checkout with this $90 shirt and a few other things. Daniel did everything he could to help us with the ad issues we were having and honored a coupon bringing the shirt down to $70. I mean these two went above and beyond for us where as no one else seemed like they even wanted to help. Are these the only two trained employees in this place? I called a manager over mostly to tell her how lucky they are to have DANIEL and MIKAELA. I also told her it was probably good that I only got these two outstanding employees names, as it was a positive thing, because if I had the poor employees names, I'm sure no one would be happy about it.
If we have to bring him back here, we now know (because of Daniel) to stop and pick up a wheel chair from concierge FIRST but the only way we would return is if we knew Daniel and/or Mikaela would be there.
5 Stars for Daniel
5 stars for Mikaela
0 stars for the rest of the employees we spoke to during this trip. Ridiculous.