Definitely an awesome hotel. I love stealing stuff from hotels. Once I stole two terrycloth bath robes from a room at the Venetian. What's worse is that I was with my mom. She stole one too. Then we started to get paranoid that maybe they would notice they were gone from the room. So we went out to the housekeeper's cart and took three robes off the cart and put them in the room. Then we started to get paranoid that they had hidden cameras in the hallway and were going to add the price of the robes to our room bill. So we figured out a way to smuggle the stolen ones out without being seen. You'll get a lot more value for your money if you can manage to swipe two or three robes and enough towels to make a complete bath set. The gold accent bands on the towels complement my bathroom very nicely. oh, I liked how the room had a terraced layout, stepping down to the lounge.