When it comes to the gym itself, I am disappointed by the lack of cleanliness a lot of the time - especially on the weekend. Of course, that might say more about the patrons, who are clearly not neat-freaks. Or know how to use a garbage can. (Nevertheless, I do wish management would pay more to hire additional janitorial staff, or that the current ones had an enhanced sense of pride in keeping things clean.) But I find that the equipment is in generally good working order, and I appreciate the fact that there is a maintenance person who keeps things fixed.
I am, however, a huge fan of the personal trainers - the PT managers (current and former) as well as Sonia D. She (and the others too, of course) is awesome for kicking my butt. She has more faith in my ability to do certain things/lift certain weights than I have. I also appreciate the fact that she will do more than just give instructions on certain training moves. She also offers nutritional advice as well as a sympathetic shoulder on the days when that's what I really need. Even when my wallet is feeling a little thin, I will still come up with the money to afford the training because it's worth its weight (pun intended) in gold.