I base this post on the past and present. I went here two days ago and I was slightly dissapointed only because they raised the price since the last time I've been here which was probably half a year ago. The combination ramen + an entree used to be 11.50 but is now 12.50. Yes its only a dollar but that wasnt all. The specialty rolls that they have for 5$ is the same price however the size of it was cut in half from what I remember. It still gets a 4 stars because although they did raise the price and cut some portions, they are still relatively cheaper than most sushi restaurants. There quality is good but not the best and they offer a variety with there combo plate which is a slamming deal still. When i go with my friends we each get a combo (tongetsu ramen with spicey tuna donburi is my favorite) and a few orders off their sushi rolls off their 5$ special to share which is super filling. Service is always great here also.