I have to say that I am a little surprised by the negative review I saw above. I have had sinus issues for years and found that really no doctor had any useful advice. Most just gave me anti-biotics and Nasonex and sent me on my way. Dr. Bartell has always given me time to ask a lot of questions and as a result I have pretty much solved my chronic sinus issues. I have a pretty low opinion of a lot of doctors, but Dr. Bartell is the one guy I recommend to people.
Also, I remember him hesitating to suggest a treatment until he could be sure that my insurance covered it, so the story the above reviewer told is a surprise. I'm not doubting the accuracy, just making the point that my experience has been different.
I have also had pretty good luck getting an appointment on short notice which is good because I usually wait until I am totally miserable to go to the doctor.
I have gone now gone two (2) years without a sinus infection, which is pretty much a miracle. Before this time, my infections had been getting far more severe and I had about 4 or 5 per year. It got to the point where I would miss a minimum of 3 days of work for each one.
(For the record, the one critical issue he helped identify was that nighttime acid reflux was a catalyst for my regularly infected throats which would then lead to sinus infections. The other critical thing that I have discovered (more on my own) is daily irrigation/flush with WARM saline and Alkalol. I actually use a Grossan unit, however, a neti pot would probably suffice. I don't miss a day!)