| - I wanna eat the very best
Like no one ever has
To eat them all is my real test
To enjoy them is my cause
I will travel across the land
Searching far and wide
Each gelato to understand
The taste that is inside
Gelato, its you and me
I know it's my destiny
Gelato, oh, you're so delicious
you melt inside my mouth
Gelato, your milky goodness
always put me in a good mood
You tempt me and I'll eat you
Gelato, gotta eat 'em all!
Anyways, if that wasn't enough to convince you to go to Paciugo's, then I don't know what will. I know this might be blasphemous, but the gelato at Paciugo is comparable to those I've had in Italy. And trust me, I've had a loooot of gelato.
This place has, hands down, the best gelato in America.