I am one who brushes my teeth too much and have good hygienic principles but due to my own decision making I refused to take days off from work or burn personal business days to see a dentist and at that time I had dental insurance. Lack of proper dental care and oversight finally caught up with my teeth. I had an older crown which broke at the gumline and I no longer had dental insurance. Unable to afford the prevailing rates in my market I sought out the services and help at Case Western Reserve University School of Dental Medicine. It was a wise decision. I now have a truly healthy mouth; I can now chew food properly with dental implants that are fully functional as teeth and I have a bright and white smile. It is a slow process, but I received the very best care and finished product. My dental procedures were closely monitored and perfected. I was paired with a young student doctor who will become Dr. Erik Johnson, D.M.D. on May 18, 2014. His instructor, Dr. Schneider reviewed and approved all procedures step by step. I cannot state all the good and positive opinions I have for the dental school or staff. I received the upmost respect and text book perfect treatment plan. Whatever your dental needs I highly recommend Case Western Reserve University School of Dental Medicine. It is prepay and they do accept dental insurance with direct reimbursement.