Ever wanted to see a rainbow inside of a fast food restaurant? Well, if you step inside Ghazale, your eyes can feast on the mounds and mounds of vegetables and their bright colours.
Heaped into dozens of metallic containers, you will find every vegetable and topping imaginable in this tiny location on Bloor, a perfect spot for a late night munchies run, or a snack after a night out!
I've had many a falafel at 2 am at Ghazale, but there are also a number of other dishes and tasty treats for a good price as well. Just thinking about that aroma; that warm and scrumptious smell that sweeps across you as you walk down Bloor, is making my mouth water!
I've heard a lot of people disappointed with Ghazale for its price and mediocre spread, but I have never experienced this. Maybe I've just been lucky in my fare, but Ghazale is one of my old time faves in a quick snack grab...A great place for yummy and nutritious food at any time of day; fast food that is actually healthy! You can't beat that!