Let me start off by saying that some places you go to for weight-loss or body sculpting help can be very overwhelming and intimidating. I have always been very uncomfortable in uptight doctors offices. Body by Kim is more my style. The atmosphere is very relaxing the room is small and it is very personal. The techs and Kim have always remembered my name and where I work so they can stay updated on my life. Kim is always running special deals to keep me coming back and I have seen huge improvement in my thigh area which has always been a problem. The thigh and stomach area I hear are the most sensitive spots but it is just like a tattoo, I know the pain is a means to a better me and sexier legs. If you want a place that has a cold, private, closed off room with doctors and clipboards this is not the place for you, but if you are trying something new, Kim is sure to set you at ease and show you through the process.