Stay away from Victory Chevrolet. I went there in April after my 1 1/2 year old son and I were in an accident which totaled my car. The other driver's insurance would only pay for a rental for me for 1 week, so between working full time and taking care of my son, that did not leave much time to look for a car. The salesman (Tim) took advantage of my situation and sold me a BAD car. He knew I didn't have much time and was scared from the crash and I was really looking for the safest car possible and he led me to believe I was getting the deal of a lifetime on this Volvo XC90. It only had 80,000 miles on it and he kept bringing up how the car was owned by the Dean of some University and how well he took care of the car. Well the problems started right away, but I unfortunately ignored the first two, thinking that I got the deal of a lifetime...We had written into the contract that my car would come with a full tank of gas, but when I turned it on it was on empty and I had to stop at the very first gas station I saw. Also, when I got home we realized that the passenger side rear door lock did not function at all. Tim had brainwashed me to think that I received such a good deal that I just ignored those two things. However, one week ago my car started making all sorts of noises so I took it into two separate mechanics and the news is terrible!
1. Two front brakes were completely non existent, to the point that the pads were cutting a hole into the rotors
2. There is a leak in the power steering rack
3. Both rear wheel bearings and hubs need to be replaced immediately
What bothers me the most is that Tim said one of the reasons I was getting such a great deal is because they replaced the brakes after inspection, so I was getting brand new brakes. This salesman directly lied to my face and put my family in danger just to make a couple of bucks. Both mechanics agreed that I never could have gotten the brakes to this point in 4 months and that this car should never have been allowed to leave the lot. I am contacting Victory Chevrolet today to see how they will remedy this situation and will update my review accordingly.