This particular Verizon location is full of incompetent liars. Our phones had been dropping calls for over 20 months. Every few months we would stop in and troubleshoot, and usually walk out with a new SIM card. Last Friday, after discussing our options with salesperson Ian, we were told there was nothing wrong with our phones and a new SIM card would fix our dropped call issues. Immediately after leaving the store, my husband and I both dropped calls. We called Verizon's customer service, and after a weekend of troubleshooting were told that there is a KNOWN SIGNAL ISSUE with the phones we had been using (and complaining about in store) for almost 2 years. We were also told that our phones could be replaced with either the same model or a similar model under warranty. Customer service shipped us the new phones and we activated at this 16th St location. Since activating the phones, we have heard the "your call can not be completed as dialed" message frequently. A call to customer service determined the phones were NOT ACTIVATED CORRECTLY. 16th St Verizon store fails again.